SoundCloud Streaming Arrives In Cross DJ Software

Joey Santos
Read time: < 1 min
Last updated 6 November, 2017

Cross DJ SoundCloud
The latest versions of Cross DJ lets you stream music directly from SoundCloud and into your DJ set.

MixVibes is quietly integrating SoundCloud streaming into the latest versions of Cross DJ on all platforms (Android, iOS, and Mac/PC versions out now). If you use SoundCloud for music and exclusive remixes, this is a huge boon, especially for tracks that don’t have a download button.

This seems to be an ongoing trend in digital DJ software – djay for iOS got a Spotify tie-in recently for instance. In general, the music industry seems to be headed in that subscription direction, with Spotify leading the charge along with music services like Google Play, Pandora, and even YouTube with their upcoming premium subscriber service, so I guess it’s hardly surprising that DJ apps are thinking that way too.

Although this still means that you’re going to need a stable internet connection to avoid any buffering in the middle of a song, cellular data speeds keep getting better and better, so dropping tracks in your DJ set wherever you may be straight from the cloud isn’t too far off. Also worth bearing in mind that – unless we’re missing something – these are going to stream at 128kbps, which is far from ideal for high quality reproduction, but it’s a start…

Have you tried DJing with songs coming straight from a streaming service? Are you as bright-eyed as we are about this, or do you think music downloads will still be the norm for the foreseeable future? Let us know in our comments section below!

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